6 Hip Stretches That Can Help You Sleep Better At Night

Side sleepers can sometimes experience hip pain depending on the width of their hips If you have wider hips, you may bend your body away from the side you’re lying on. If you have narrower hips, you might bend toward the side you’re lying on. Both can lead to strain, pain, and restless nights. Any sleeping position that requires you to bring your knees closer to your chest will also require more mobility at the hip By working on the flexibility of your hip muscles during the day, you can sleep better at night—and a few simple hip stretches will get you there. In addition to stretching, play around with your sleeping ergonomics by trying out various pillows and positions. These are a few of the best pillows for side sleepers we’re obsessed with!) Some people like to sleep on their side with a small pillow underneath their hip, to be in a more neutral and comfortable position Sleeping posture is subjective, so the key is to experiment and see what helps you drift into dreamland most easily Foam roller hip shift Dynamic foam rolling helps to improve mobility in your hip joint and pelvis, as you shift side to side with the foam roller 90-90 hip lift
A hip lift helps you engage a posterior tilt of your pelvis, which is great if you tend to be more anteriorly tilted. (A sign of an anterior tilt is when your lower back doesn’t touch the bed when you lie on your back.) Complete two sets of 30-second holds. Lie on your back with your feet up against a wall. Let your arms rest down by your sides. Make a 90-degree angle with your knees and hips. Put a foam roller between your knees. Pull one hip back with gentle pressure into the foam roller. Pull the opposite hip back, shifting the foam roller side to side. Repeat, alternating hips each rep. Hip airplane With this stretch, you can restore rotation in your hip joint. This will help you to feel more comfortable sleeping with your legs sprawled out or closer together. Complete two sets of 10 reps on each side. Stand on your left leg with a soft bend in your left knee. Place your hands on your hips. Open your hips as you rotate your right leg away from your left (standing) leg. Only move as far as you can while keeping your balance. Close your hips as you move your right leg back toward your left (standing) leg. Repeat on the other side.

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