The sleep aid device stimulates neurotransmitters in the cerebral cortex through micro currents, regulates emotions and promotes sleep. The sleep instrument has a low frequency mode and a high frequency mode. The humanized design allows you to easily choose the mode that suits your body frequency. The default is low frequency mode when starting up. Press the power button again to start the high frequency mode. The sleep instrument comes with a lanyard silicone sleeve, which is easy to carry and hang. The appearance design is simple, stylish and excellent in texture. The sleep aid device can completely fit the palm of the hand when in use, the massage effect is excellent and the grip is very comfortable. Use the sleep aid 20 minutes before going to bed every day or hold it while you sleep, can make you sleep comfortable. USB quick charging, it only takes 1.5 hours to fully charge. The USB port can be connected to the computer, mobile power and other charging methods. Sleep instrument fixed 20 minutes automatically shut down. If you need to continue to use, you can restart, you can use about 50 times.
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