How Much Sleep Is Too Little Or Too Much For A Baby

Generally speaking babies who are 0-3 months of age will sleep about 15-16 hours out of a 24 hour period. It may not seem to you like they’re sleeping that much because they like to eat every 2-3 hours and need to eat this frequently. It will feel like they’re not sleeping much when in reality they are sleeping a lot. Babies who are 4-7 months of age start to sleep a little bit less, maybe 14 hours out of every 24 hour period and usually sleep longer stretches at night, about 7-8 hours at a time. Babies between 7 months and a year start to sleep even less, to the point that when they’re a year old they usually only require about 10-13 hours of sleep a day. This might be all done at night or your baby might split it up between nighttime sleep and naps during the day. Naps aren’t necessary and it really just depends on your baby’s needs and you, what you think is right for them. You’re the best judge. You will know if your baby needs more sleep. If they’re extra cranky and acting like they need a nap then they should nap.

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