I still don’t know how the “Enchanted Moonlight Library” sleepcast episode ends. Which, I suppose, is the point. A sleepcast is exactly what it sounds like: a podcast intended to help you doze off. Or, perhaps I have heard “the end” and never knew it; Headspace, the mental health app housing the audio content, slightly remixes its bedtime stories nightly so anxious sleepers like me can’t track time by memorizing the narrative The lessons, which include brief videos and guided meditations, are spread across three modules Understand your sleep; Try something new; and Practice, practice, practice. Nighttime SOS I utilized this feature a few times when I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t fall back asleep. The guided exercise track “Racing Mind SOS” came in handy.
Sleep music and radio The “Cave Winds” track and Rain Radio station are particularly relaxing. Soundscapes: “Indoor Fireplace” and “Cabin Downpour” are among my favorite cozy background noise tracks. White noise and sleep sounds The delicate frequency of green noise works every time. Wind downs: “Deep Rest” is the track for me after a stressful day. Sleep is a simple sacrifice when it seems there aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish what needs to be done. Sometimes I still have to force myself to put aside whatever task feels like it can’t wait in order to put sleep first. And as if by magic, a solid night’s sleep gifts me time back the next day in the form of increased energy and efficiency. Catching z’s in a cool, dark, quiet, and comfortable place is ideal, the CDC says. TVs in the bedroom are frowned upon, and screen time should be cut off at least 30 minutes before bedtime, especially when blue light is involved. Taking time each night to prepare for the next morning was already second nature to me; laying out my gym clothes and packing a lunch makes for a less hectic start to the day. But before Headspace, I hadn’t considered how I could prepare for a good night’s sleep throughout the day. This is where Headspace’s sleepcasts save the day. I still enjoy reading in the evening, but once I’m in bed, it’s time for a deliberately dozy story, one pleasant enough that it can take my mind off things but insubstantial enough that I don’t mind falling asleep in the middle of it. My favorite part is that each sleepcast starts with a wind-down meditation to calm the body before luring the mind into story.