Is Napping At Work A Good Idea This Research Points To Its Benefits

While taking a nap during work hours may not be feasible or practical for everyone, research suggests that napping can have several benefits, including improved alertness, productivity, and mood.

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Studies have shown that short naps of 20-30 minutes can help boost cognitive function, including memory, attention, and reaction time. Napping can also help reduce fatigue, which can improve overall job performance and safety, especially for individuals who work long hours or during the night shift.

Research has also shown that napping can help reduce stress and improve mood, which can contribute to a more positive work environment and better employee well-being.

However, it’s important to note that not all workplaces may have the resources or policies to accommodate napping. Additionally, some individuals may have difficulty falling asleep during the day or may experience sleep disruptions if they nap too close to bedtime.

If you’re considering taking a nap at work, it’s important to discuss this with your supervisor or HR department to ensure that it’s allowed and to determine any guidelines or restrictions that may be in place. It’s also important to find a quiet and comfortable space to nap and to set an alarm to avoid oversleeping
Some companies are aware of the benefits of a good night’s sleep, and have facilities such as rooms to nap in or lighting systems that regulate the sleep hormone melatonin.
A study that trialed giving workers 30-minute naps during the afternoon showed a 14% rise in productivity.
Further research in this area could lead to benefits for workers and employers.
Wellbeing at work is being taken more seriously by many businesses these days. After all, recent research has shown that more than a quarter of Generation Z workers – those born between 1997 and 2012 – seek out workplace benefits that help them cope with stress. This includes nap pods, meditation rooms and massage chairs.

The focus on sleep is important. Analysis in 2018 by research organization RAND Corporation suggests up to 3% of a country’s GDP could be lost due to lack of sleep. On an organizational level, some companies are aware of the benefits of a good night’s sleep. Nike’s headquarters in Portland, Oregon, reportedly has rooms employees can use to nap. Other firms have installed lighting systems to regulate the sleep hormone melatonin, so employees find it easier to switch off when they finish work in the evening.

But the concept of “sleeping on the job” by building naps into the working day remains anathema to most companies – even if it boosts mental wellbeing or helps attract top talent. Sleep science has progressed greatly in recent years, with lab experiments confirming what many already suspected: insufficient sleep can cause issues with cognitive function and mental health.

Indeed, a study I conducted with academics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania used altigraphs (devices that measure sleeping patterns in patients with sleep disorders) to monitor the sleep of a group of around 450 adults in Chennai, India. We found they were only sleeping 5.5 hours per night, and the shut-eye they did get was of poor quality. Despite spending eight hours in bed, their sleep was extremely interrupted, on a level comparable to those with disorders such as sleep apnea or insomnia.

Over three weeks, we offered a series of interventions to different groups of workers to see how that would affect their cognition, productivity, decision making and wellbeing when working in an office-based data entry role with flexible hours. In this environment, we were able to monitor hours worked, measure productivity and labor supply, and survey participants’ psychological and physical wellbeing.

Some members of the trial group were offered nighttime sleep treatments, including items to improve their environment such as sleep masks, fans or mattresses. They also received advice on the benefits of good quality sleep, the recommended hours of sleep, and strategies to improve sleep. Others were offered financial incentives, and were promised payment when extra sleep was tracked on the altigraphs.
These night sleep interventions increased sleeping time by an average of 27 minutes. But the extra shut-eye did not improve workers’ cognition, productivity, decision making or wellbeing. It also led to a slight reduction in labor supply as people came into the office later because they were asleep for longer.

Another group of participants were offered the option to take a 30-minute nap in the afternoon in a comfortable and quiet environment. This group saw notable improvements across the outcomes we were looking at, including psychological wellbeing, cognition, and an average 2.3% bump in productivity over the course of the


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