Mouth taping — sealing the mouth with tape to keep it closed while at rest — has made its way across Instagram and TikTok, and into season 7 of the popular reality show “Love is Blind.” The trend is touted as a way to stop snoring, treat sleep apnea, and improve sleep. mouth taping may help treat habitual open-mouth breathing, snoring, and some mild cases of obstructive sleep apnea, which occurs when the upper airway becomes blocked repeatedly while sleeping, causing people to stop breathing temporarily. People are meant to breathe through their nose as it is the body’s air filtration system. Air is breathed in through the nostrils and into the nasal cavity where the mucus membrane captures debris, particles, and pathogens, and involuntary responses such as sneezing expel pollutants. Mouth breathing can temporarily alter the anatomy of the throat, making it narrower and prone to collapse. In the long term, it can be associated with dental problems such as cavities and gum disease; sleep disorders; decreased lung function, and an exacerbation of symptoms in people with asthma. mouth taping is considered a low-risk treatment. While people who cannot breathe properly through the nose because of anatomical or health issues may find mouth-taping uncomfortable, it is not likely to pose an immediate danger for most people. When unable to get enough air, most people will wake up and remove the tape
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