It is all about sleep your way to fewer period cramps best sleeping positions for relief. Unable to sleep due to bad menstrual cramps. Here are a few tips for sleeping positions that can help you relieve your menstrual cramps. Sleeping on your back with a pillow under your knees. Sleeping on your back is a good option if you place a pillow between your knees which helps ease the strain on your back and adore dem. Adjusting your sleeping environment to change sleeping position makes some adjustments to your sleeping environment by keeping your bedroom cool and dark, using comfortable bedding and ensuring good ventilation can promote a better sleep at night. Sleeping on your stomach with a pillow under your hips can help alleviate cramping by reducing the pressure on your uterus. Sleeping on your left side can be beneficial for your menstrual cramps as it helps to stimulate the blood flow to the uterus while also preventing pressure on the liver and minimizing acid flow. Use a heat therapy, apply a heating pad or a hot water bottle to your lower back and lower abdomen. The warmth helps relax the muscles and reduces cramps and pain facilitating a better sleep.
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