Study Finds Social Teens Get Less Sleep What Should Parents Do To Help

A new study has found that social teens struggle with insomnia and are getting less sleep than their less social peer Teen girls tend to ruminate more than boys about how their day and social interactions went, she said. We think of our big kids as almost mini-adults, but their brains are still developing and growing,” she noted. Parents can help their children find ways to de-stress, such as exercise, meditation, journaling or talking to a school counsellor. I always like recommending a wind-down hour before bed,” she suggested. “So, taking away that phone, maybe writing down the worries of the day, having that journal and really having some unwind and relax time before they go to bed Parents could also set boundaries, even when it seems like their teens are already big, by setting a bedtime to ensure they’re getting adequate sleep. Allow your kids to sleep in for one or two extra hours on the weekend to help them feel refreshed by Monday, she added. “They’re missing out on significant amounts of sleep during the week. Experts say the average teen needs eight to 10 hours of sleep

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