This One Simple Habit May Help You Sleep Better According To A New Study

Sleep supports a strong immune system and healthier skin. It can also reduce blood pressure and help maintain a healthy weight. And like sleep, exercise has been linked with a plethora of benefits, from improving the symptoms of depression and anxiety to supporting a strong heart, lungs, muscles and bones. engaging in regular physical activity may help improve sleep quality, promote deeper sleep, reduce daytime sleepiness and reduce the need for a sleep aid like bicycling and yoga, and for when they needed to remove it, like if they were swimming or playing a contact sport. Participants also used the diary to record what time they went to bed, what time they attempted to fall asleep and what time(s) they woke up (including waking up during the night) The 4-hour interventions—activity breaks and sitting—were performed in a lab setting to ensure protocol compliance. The rest of the interventions, including sleeping, were done in what researchers refer to as “free-living conditions”—which means they slept at home. One group did the activity breaks intervention first, then on another night with at least 6 days in between they did the sitting intervention. previous studies have suggested that an additional 30 minutes a night of sleep can have positive effects on health. This is especially true if you typically get fewer than 7 hours of quality sleep a night, since the general recommendation is 7-9 hours of sleep per night for adults This applies to other health habits, too—like exercise. This study emphasizes how short bouts of exercise in the evening can help improve sleep. But you’re also strengthening your muscles, increasing your heart rate a bit, and adding to your movement for the day.

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