There are plenty of tricks that can help you fall asleep (such as reading, drinking a hot cup of herbal tea or journaling). However, those tips might not work for you, and that’s OK. One thing you might not have tried is yoga for sleep. For more natural ways to get better sleep, try these seven sleep aids for insomnia These poses are for any level of experience and are easy enough for beginner yogis. While moving between these poses, remember to pay attention to your breath and where you feel most tension in your body. Breathe and try to relax if you experience any discomfort. Bridge pose Start by lying down on your back, legs and arms stretched out and on the ground. Take a deep breath, raise your core off the ground and shift your arms closer to your body to balance. Your knees should be at a 90-degree angle. Your hands can lie flat, or you can bring them together underneath your core. Happy baby An easy pose to transition into after Bridge — start this pose on your back. Lift your legs to the ceiling and out a little past your shoulders (or however far you can go). Then, grab onto the outside of your feet with both hands. Gently rock left and right to relieve tension in your lower back. Child’s pose You can start this pose by kneeling or getting on your hands and knees. Tuck your feet underneath your hips and bring your head close to the ground. Reach your hands out in front of you, stretching your spine. The further you reach, the better the stretch will be for you. Seated twist If you are coming out of Child’s pose for this next one, sit back up and extend your legs out in front of you. Cross one leg over the other, pulling the heel of the crossed leg to your outer thigh. With the opposite arm, cross your body and twist yourself, pushing with your elbow on the raised knee. Twist and breathe. Repeat with the other side before moving on.
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