Some people might experience insomnia when on holiday due to an unfamiliar environment. Managing your coffee intake and taking your pillow can help you get better rest. Be warned, excessive alcohol intake can also lead to insomnia on holiday. Sleeping in an unfamiliar bed can lead to difficulties with sleeping and can disrupt your sleeping routine There’s also what’s known as the ‘first-night effect’, which is caused by part of your brain being more vigilant in a new environment to monitor your unfamiliar environment Go into your trip well rested and go prepared. Remember, going into your holiday you might have a full list of activities you would like to get up to so make sure to get enough rest before going to your holiday destination. Pack your things in time to avoid last-minute panic. Draft a list of things you need for your trip and ensure that you get all of those essentials. Use noise-canceling headphones and a comfortable neck pillow on the plane or in the car to help get some rest while traveling. Manage your device time and coffee intake. Stick to your regular nightly rituals as much as possible. Don’t slip into bad habits just because you’re on holiday. Steer clear of the blue light emitted from electronic devices, like smartphones, laptops, and tablets for at least an hour before you plan to go to bed. Stay cool. Check the temperature, and if possible, adjust it. The right temperature for sleep is between 16-18 degrees.
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