How Much Sleep Should My Child Be Getting

While these recommendations are helpful, it is important to note that childhood sleep should be restful without disturbances to get the best benefit. If your child is waking frequently, it is important to explore environmental causes such as temperature, loud noises and/or other disturbing factors Daytime Sleepiness Irritability Decreased concentration If schools start earlier, or children are required to wake earlier due to parental commitments, parents should make sure their children go to bed early enough to get the recommended amount of sleep listed above. This may mean leaving some activities off the schedule, as overscheduled children often struggle to find the time for adequate sleep. As with any behavior in childhood, parental consistency is key to establishing good sleeping habits, even on weekends and holidays. If the sleep recommendations stated above are followed and your child is still exhibiting symptoms related to lack of adequate sleep, please consult your pediatrician for an evaluation looking for physical or behavioral causes of sleep disturbance.

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