Hacks For Surviving Night Shifts As A Nurse

One of the best things you can do to stay alert while working a night shift is to keep moving. This is particularly important if you have some downtime during your shift. It might feel tempting to sit down and nap, but you’ll be better off taking a walk or stretching Physical movement keeps the blood flowing, which will keep your mind active and help to get you through. It can also be very helpful to pop outside for a bit of fresh air if you have the opportunity. Caffeine has its uses, but night shift nurses need to be careful not to overdo it. A coffee at the beginning of your shift can be just the right thing to get you going. But you should try to avoid it as the shift starts to draw to a close. Excess caffeine may make it difficult to fall asleep when you get home. Instead, remember to keep drinking water, so your body has what it needs to function at its best. Nutritious snacks will also give you energy without disrupting your sleep routine. Once you’ve gotten into the swing of working night shifts, you might come to prefer them. There are many hidden benefits of shift work, including the unique sense of connection you forge with your co-workers. For some, night shifts suit their body clock better. If you’re a night owl who starts to perk up at night, working nights could be perfect. Some night nurses also prefer the sense of quietude that typifies this type of work. Within a hospital, night shifts offer several advantages. The pace is usually slower at night, which gives you more opportunities to focus on what you’re doing. There’s also a strong sense of camaraderie between nurses who work night shift. Anyone who’s worked in nursing can tell you that working night shifts gets easier with a bit of practice. Being a night shift nurse has number of advantages, and over time you might come to prefer working nights.

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