These 5 Yoga Poses Can Help You Sleep Better

Balasana (Child’s Pose) Start by kneeling on the floor, bringing your big toes together and sitting back on your heels. Spread your knees wide apart, but keep your big toes touching. Slowly exhale and fold forward, stretching your arms out in front of you or resting them by your sides. Rest your forehead on the mat, close your eyes, and breathe deeply for 1-3 minutes. Savasana (Corpse Pose) Lie flat on your back with your arms by your sides, palms facing up. Let your feet fall naturally to the sides and close your eyes. Focus on your breathing and consciously relax each part of your body, starting from your toes and working your way up to your head. Stay in this pose for 5-10 minutes, focusing on deep relaxation.

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