Trouble Sleeping This Therapy Can Help With Insomnia

The distinctive difference between CBT and CBT-I is the inclusion of principles and practice of sleep medicine. You might have heard of cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, a popular and well-researched type of psychotherapy. But did you know it can help people with sleep issues? people are worried about their shut-eye but turn to habits that don’t help their sleep in the long run, such as melatonin, and sleeping in adults experience acute insomnia, which can last a few days or weeks. And roughly one in 10 suffer from chronic insomnia, defined as happening more than three nights a week for at least three months. This is because other factors, like going to bed early to make up for sleep loss or worrying about insufficient sleep, can perpetuate insomnia. Insomnia is linked to a host of issues spanning mental and physical health. These include fatigue, decreased quality of life, and an increased risk for disease. sleep hygiene and cognitive therapy. Sleep hygiene promotes healthy habits that support sleep, like avoiding alcohol before bed. people with insomnia to adopt habits like getting enough physical activity during the day, which some research suggests is comparable to CBT-I when it comes to long-term effectiveness

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