Consider These Tips From Experts If You Want Better Sleep

Improving sleep quality begins with changing how we view sleep. Rather than seeing it as difficult to achieve, sleep is viewed as a natural and essential part of life. By incorporating these holistic practices shared by experts, you can significantly improve your sleep quality, ensuring you wake up feeling rested and refreshed. Soak in the early morning sunlight Exposure to morning sunlight is another cornerstone of better sleep, and Shimpli Patil, Head Nutritionist and Lifestyle Expert, totally agrees with it. She explains that the infrared rays from the sun help stimulate melatonin production, the body’s natural sleep hormone. Complete darkness in the room and breathing exercises promote restful sleep Creating an optimal sleep environment is key, says Rathod. Sleeping in complete darkness can boost melatonin production and promote restful sleep. If total darkness is a challenge, she recommends using a sleep mask or covering your eyes with a towel. Consistent sleep routine “Establishing a consistent sleep routine is crucial,” says Deepika Rathod, Chief Nutrition Officer (CNO) at Luke Coutinho Holistic Healing Systems. Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day helps regulate your body’s internal clock.

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