Do you wake up feeling sluggish, tired, and grumpy? If so, you might not get enough sleep– specifically, deep sleep. why sleep is so important for exercise and how to sleep strategic 90-minute sleep cycle that covers four stages,” she says. “The first couple of stages are light sleep, so if you were to nap for 20 to 30 minutes, that’s what you’d fall into. Your fourth stage is the rapid eye movement [REM] stage, where you tend to dream and is related to emotional control. You see a fall in stamina at submaximal levels,” adds Gilchrist. “It’s the same on the anaerobic side, where maximal power output drops and the same’s been seen with a tennis serve. Speed drops through a consistent lack of sleep, down to a drop in isometric force. How do you know if you’re lacking deep sleep? Apart from that foggy grumpiness, because it’s a key part of the 90-minute cycle, anyone who sleeps for less than the recommended number of hours is likely to record insufficient deep sleep. Shower, stretch, and have some downtime before hitting the sack, as it’s beneficial to lose a little quantity if the quality’s higher. The next day, you should return to your normal sleep routine The problem is more the ‘scroll hole’ you might fall into when looking at platforms like Instagram or YouTube. It’s arousing and can inhibit sleep. watching TV is fine as long as you ensure your choice of programming isn’t too stimulating. It’s the same with scrolling on your smartphone, which taps into a recent development in the world of sleep – that while bedtime smartphone use isn’t advised, it’s not because of the blue light.
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