How To Stop Mouth Breathing At Night Simple Tips To Improve Sleep Stop Snoring And Boost Your Health

From nasal strips to humidifiers these expert tips can help you stop mouth breathing at night. mouth breathing can interrupt the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep your body needs to function at its best. Like the name suggests, mouth breathing happens when you breathe through your mouth instead of your nose. The problem? It can lead to larger health concerns if you do it too often. Wondering how to stop mouth breathing while sleeping? While it’s normal to breathe through the mouth sometimes—like in the midst of heavy exercise or during episodes of nasal congestion, chronic mouth breathing can be the result of medical problems Allergies, nasal congestion, sinus infections, snoring and other habits could all be contributing factors to mouth breathing during sleep If you find yourself feeling bloated or gassy when you wake, mouth breathing during sleep might be to blame. “Mouth breathing while sleeping can cause you to swallow more air, which might lead to gas or bloating the next day Nasal strips are a good place to start. “Try using a nasal strip to keep your airway open or practice breathing exercises that encourage breathing through your nose mouth strips or “mouth tape are a great resource for those of us who breathe through our mouth, which is the majority of people Using a humidifier at bedtime can also help open your nasal passages. Dr. Perry says it helps to purify and circulate the air in your space. And since it adds moisture to the air, it helps prevent your mouth from becoming dry and opening as a result. People often don’t realize that mouth breathing can significantly affect sleep quality, causing more restless nights and even contributing to conditions like sleep apnea

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